Please click on the link below to view this week's Chamisa Clips:
There is no school on Monday, January 20th for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
The kids had a chance to ask the construction crew questions and get updates on the building project!
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Contact Us
Absence Line: (505) 663-2471
Absence email: chamisa.absence@laschools.net
Office Line: (505) 663-2470
Information Line: (505) 663-2472
Fax Line: (505) 672-0170
Principal: Craig Washnok
Assistant Principal: Liz Meek
Hello from the Attendance Clerk
Please remember to notify the Attendance Clerk when children are going to be late, absent or leave early. Parents can email a copy of doctor/dentist notes. Please include child’s first and last name, reason for late, absent, leaving early and date.
Please let us know by any of the ways below:
Pre-Arranged Absence Form
Absence Line: 505-663-2471
Absence Email: chamisa.absence@laschools.net